Aviation DivisionChaplainsCivilCommand StaffCorrectionsCriminal RecordsDetective BureauDomestic Violence OfficeDrug Interdiction & Crime Enforcement UnitFleet OperationsInternal AffairsK-9 DivisionLegal DivisionMarine DivisionPatrolPersonnel / Human ResourcesPurchasing DivisionRadio CommunicationsRadio Dispatch - 911Reserve DivisionSpecial Operations DivisionSpecial Response Team (SRT)Tax OfficeTechnology BureauTraining DivisionWarehouse Division
Warehouse Division
The Sheriff's Office warehouse houses and maintains most of the emergency and non-day-to-day equipment that may at times be needed by other divisions of the Sheriff's Office. Capt. Mike Buras and Dy. Randy Fortmayer with assistance from volunteer deputy Mike Ragas, oversee the maintenance and upkeep of all this stand by the equipment.