Tax Office
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Tax Sales Link
The Tax Division is supervised by Chief Deputy Tax Collector Monica Nicosia and is comprised of five employees, Lieutenant Michael Boudreaux, Doty Fitch, Lakrisha Franklin, Rachel Sylve, and Rebecca Espadron, Deputy Tax Collectors. The Property Tax Division collects and processes all outstanding property and ad valorum tax within the Parish of Plaquemines.
The Tax Division also processes and issues Occupational and Alcoholic Beverage Licenses as well as Special Event Permits. All new businesses must apply for an Occupational License through the MuniLicense internet portal at
The Tax Office is located at 8022 Hwy. 23, Belle Chasse, LA. 70037. Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday - Friday (except holidays).
Points of Contact:
Tax - Doty Fitch (504) 934-6894
Occupational License - Lieutenant Tom Morovich (504) 934-6888
Tax Office
Telephone: (504) 934-6892
Fax: (504) 433-4456
Alcoholic Beverage App & Schedule A Revised