Office Locations and Phone Numbers
Main Mailing Address:
Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office
8022 Hwy. 23
Belle Chasse, Louisiana 70037
Administration Building Main Phone Numbers:
504-934-6776 or 504-934-6808
Telephone and Address Directory
Emergency Calls For - Law, Fire, and EMS
Dial 911
Non-Emergency Calls - Incidents Only
1st District Office
102 Keating Drive, Belle Chasse, La.70037
504-934-6850 - FAX 504-394-8208
Corrections - Detention Center
16801 Hwy 15, Davant, LA. 70046
Contact Info:
504-934-7600 (if no answer 504-682-4668) Main Number - Switchboard
504-934-7637 or 7635 Intake and Booking Desk
504-934-7602 or 7603 Main Control Room
504-278-7578 Fax Main Control
504-684-3448 Fax Admin Offices
If no answer at the above numbers, please call 504-682-4668 for assistance.
FAX 504-278-7578 or 504-684-3448
Civil Office
8022 Hwy 23, Belle Chasse, LA 70037
504-934-6799 - FAX 504-433-4443
Criminal Records
8022 Hwy 23., Belle Chasse, LA. 70037
504-934-6808 - FAX 504-433-2658
Special Operations Division
8022 Hwy 23 Belle Chasse, La 70037
504-934-6900 - FAX 504-433-2656
Detective Bureau & Belle Chasse Lockup
333 F. Edward Hebert, Building 1000, Belle Chasse, La. 70037
Office 504-934-6820
Detective Bureau - Port Sulphur
123 Civic Dr., Port Sulphur, La 70083
Dispatch Center
8056 Hwy. 23, Belle Chasse, La 70037
504-564-2525 - FAX 504-433-3076
Eastbank 3rd District Office
1045 Hwy. 39, Braithwaite, La
504-682-6278 - FAX 504-682-1062
Internal Affairs
8018 Hwy 23, Belle Chasse, La 70037
504-934-6865 - FAX 504-393-8421
Marine Division
123 Civic Dr., Port Sulphur, La. 70083
504-934-3815 - FAX 504-564-2005
Narcotics Division
504-934-6905 - FAX 504-297-5275
Public Information Office
8022 Hwy 23., Belle Chasse, LA. 70037
504-564-2525 - FAX 504-433-3076
Port Sulphur 2nd District Office
123 Civic Dr., Port Sulphur, La 70083
504-934-3800 - FAX 504-564-2005
8022 Hwy 23, Belle Chasse, LA 70037
504-934-6799 - FAX 504-433-4443
Reserve Division
8022 Hwy 23, Belle Chasse, La 70037
504-934-6784 - FAX 504-433-2656
Executive Assistant to the Sheriff
8022 Hwy 23., Belle Chasse, LA. 70037
504-934-6778 - FAX 504-433-2656
Shooting Range
18038 Hwy. 23 Myrtle Grove, La. 70083
504-799-8909 - FAX 504-433-2656
Tax Office
8022 Hwy 23, Belle Chasse, LA. 70037
504-934-6892 - FAX 504-433-4456
Traffic Ticket Fine Information
504-934-6808 or